Thursday, March 27, 2008

Snelling Avenue versus Snelling Avenue

You may have not known this, but both Minneapolis and St. Paul have their own Snelling Avenues. St. Paul's is a major road that starts on the southern end in the Highland Park neighborhood and heads north across I-94, University Ave, Como Ave, I-35W, and continues into Roseville. Everyone in St. Paul and surrounding areas know where Snelling Avenue is.

On the other hand, few Minneapolitans and indeed few Longfellowians, know about the Snelling Avenue in the Longfellow neighborhood. The Minneapolis Snelling runs parallel and between the better known Minnehaha and Hiawatha Avenues. Snelling is partially residential and partially commercial. It discontinues north of Lake Street except for a one block length on the western edge of the Seward neighborhood.

Landmarks on the St. Paul Snelling include Macalester College, Hamline University, the Spruce Building, the State Fair grounds, Gingko Coffeehouse, and many restaurants and businesses. Landmarks on the Minneapolis Snelling include some warehouses, a neighborhood medical clinic, and an Arby's. The St. Paul Snelling has a Coastal Seafoods. On the other hand, the Minneapolis Coastal Seafoods is just a block off the Minneapolis Snelling, but one block off doesn't count.

College students in need can buy their drugs at St. Paul Snelling bus stations, particularly at and near University Avenue. Despite the police station across the street, one can probably buy drugs on Minneapolis Snelling at Lake Street if one is feeling ballsy.

The Minneapolis Snelling actually heads towards Fort Snelling. At one time you may have been able to get to the fort using that street. The St. Paul one would have had to curve significantly from its current position to get to one of the first settlements by Europeans in Minnesota.

Snelling Avenue in Minneapolis:

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Snelling Avenue in St. Paul:

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In summary, there are many reasons for one to head over to the better known St. Paul Snelling. There are few reasons to find the Minneapolis one. It's clear, the St. Paul Snelling Avenue is the superior street.

St. Paul wins.

Minneapolis: 1 / St. Paul: 1


Anonymous said...

In defense of Minneapolis's Snelling, it is a wonderful way to avoid the gall-darned stoplights on Hiawatha. St. Paul's Snelling, on the other hand, has its own gall-darned stoplights to avoid - I prefer Fairview Ave. at times for this job.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

It's not really a comparison. Would one argue that Minneapolis, Minnesota, quote, "wins" over Minneapolis, Kansas. Unless you're in elementary school...No.

I'm sure people who live in Minneapolis, Kansas or Minneapolis, North Carolina, would all have positive things to say about their respective cities.
